Many companies around the country and the globe have created unique, inspiring working spaces for their employees.  In most cases this can be achieved through the use various types of signs. Sony, for example, has stills from their movies covering walls. Shutterstock has game room complete with wall murals, and a lobby area with light boxes. Salesforce has bright, eccentric colors that set an upbeat mood, with window graphics and digital displays. Even Nike has a man-made body of water in the middle of its campus. These companies may be large and able to execute these designs on a larger scale, but the concept is something that can be applied to any business.  Even here at Shine On Signs we use wall murals, wall graphics, stretched canvas prints, light boxes and decorative light cover panels.

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It’s important to create an environment that keeps your employees motivated and able to do their jobs productively. Fluorescent lights and stark walls aren’t necessarily the best working conditions, and the new generation of workers are in constant need of stimulation (we’re talking about you millennials).  Wall graphics could be a great way to make an impression for your workers: the people who make your business thrive. Knowing your company’s functionality and core goals, look to create a design that fits with those ideals. If you are a company that focuses on travel, look for designs and theme that could involve that—perhaps incorporating ideal travel destinations. It could create a relaxing environment for your employees while also promoting your business and what you do.

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When coming up with your design strategy for wall graphics, it’s important to think of how you can best portray your business to new customers, but also what kind of design can provide comfort and functionality for your employees.  A mixture of the two could be a great solution and knowing that wall graphics, light panels, and other signs can be switched in and out as your company changes.

Contact Shine On Signs to find out how we can make the best use of your space for your employees and clients.  Whether it’s wall murals, window graphics, digital displays, or even light cover panels, we can give your office that new look and feel it’s been missing.
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Light Panels   Wall Murals  Window Graphics  Design Services